Saturday, May 30, 2009

Get a Shirt and Help a School in Africa

The guys from Run For Zimbabwe continue creating awareness about the situation currently prevailing in Zimbabwe, at the same time that they want to contribute to these people in a way.

Because of that, they're selling T-shirts with their logo on their website and during their tour, to gather money and donate it to the "Albert Street Refugee School”-the school has been shut down since 1958, during the Apartheid era. It reopened in July of 2008 as a refugee school under the direction of Bishop Paul Verryn and the Central City Mission.

The guys have received a good response so far with 2 successful orders of shirts already, but still they would like to do one more if more people want to join their cause.

They've set up a new deadline for the last order: July 15th, 2009.

So if you are interested also in their cause and want to help, order a shirt and be a part of the reason why the kids from the Albert Street Refugee School will be happy.

T-Shirt (male)

T-Shirt (female)


ilithya said...

Gracias por el apoyo mi Vicco!!
Thanks for the support!! =)

Vicco said...

Denada... gracias por enterarme de ésta buena causa que están haciendo tus amigos.