Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Psycho Code II

(Psycho Code English Version)

Don't stand on my way ...
'cause I want to listen to my own thoughts
Don't stand on my way ...
'cause I want to obey my own impulses
Because I have printed on each of my cells the instructions, just like you
Because I have with me the code that I need for my development
And just as I've built my body, so my mind and so my heart...
Within every particle of me...
The color of my eyes and the texture of my voice are written
Within every particle of me...
The only instructions that I need exist
That's why I want you to get away
'cause I have a life to live
Get away
'cause I've got a story to tell
I can't be with you today if I want to do it in the future
Because today I want to be with me

Other codes:

Is there another code you would wish to add?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Code: DNS

I'm also with myself enjoying an up and down, right to left ride.

In every curve; there is a change.
In every crossroad; a decision...

Enjoy the ride, on the way to gather and then expanding yourself.
