Friday, September 13, 2013


On March 2013, GraphiMusik took place in Côte des Neiges, Montréal. This was the 2nd Creativity Workshop from the series "A Different Creativity Workshop Every Time".

The idea was to explore the fusion of Music with Painting. Attendees were asked to pick their colors based on the tone of the music they were listening to and to follow the rhythm as they draw lines, spirals and abstract shapes. 

The course was divided in three phases: 

  • First we explored rythms with movement and shapes individually and the tone or sentiment of the music which was represented with colors on a seperate sheet. 
  • Then we continued the course with a group activity in which we painted the music we were listening to on a big paper on the wall. It was a little bit like dancing! but using only our arms and hands. 
  • Finally they had a chance to create a full painting in which they represented the tone of the music with the background colors and the rythm with abstract drawings (Lines, spirals, shapes)

Is it possible to paint music? We all agreed that YES, it is possible. 

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